Unpack the distribution tarball

The first step for installing EECluster is to unpack the distribution tarball. Please refer to the section below for obtaining the latest stable version of EECluster. On a system with GNU tar installed, the package can be unpacked with following command: shell> tar zxf eecluster-X.X.X.tar.gz

Install MySQL DBMS

The second step is to install a MySQL DBMS which will be used to store EECluster records. This can easily be done using a software package manager such as yum or apt-get: shell>yum install mysql-community-server

Install a Java EE application server

It is recommended to use GlassFish, which can be downloaded from https://glassfish.java.net/. After it is downloaded it must be unpacked into its installation folder.

Install and configure EECluster

After unpacking the eecluster tarball you have to enter the newly created directory and run the configure script using:

shell> cd eecluster-X.X.X

shell> chmod +x configure.sh


The configuration script checks that all requirements are met, including the Java version, RMS, MySQL, and many other required utilities. Then, the EEClusterd service is deployed and a start/stop/restart script is created in the /etc/init.d folder. After the service is deployed the configure scripts prompts the user to enter a series of values to complete the configuration process.